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We need to talk...

Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode
I don't know why its so fucking hard for people to believe that balls keep being taken from the tables. Padlocking the table does very little to prevent that. Though, you are correct, they need padlocks to prevent easy access free play. But, then again, more often than not I just find that the table has been stuffed with napkins and/or some other shit. People even go so far as to bend the metal in the goal to prevent the ball going into the rack.

At Stingers, people bent up the pins that hold the top and bottom together and fucked up the entire table to enable free play. Why? I don't have a fucking clue. Don't believe me? Ask Bob Duncan as he was there and spent 45 minutes helping me fix the fucking thing. Not sure why people feel the need to doubt this FACT. It is odd since the proof is right there to see. Balls not in the table? Must have been the foosball fairies since Jesse is obviously lying about balls being stolen! Seriously…?!

The reason I made this post is to tell people that if they see someone playing on free play, it is wrong and not to take part. I even know some of the people that have been doing this and have discussed it with them on the side asking them not to do it anymore. I must face the reality of a situation and whether or not you choose to believe me is irrelevant.

In addition, I never felt forced to get out due to losing money on El Jimador. I considered it more due to my health concerns and the fact that performing what was necessary for the El Jimador tournament really fucking hurt. It made me reconsider just what the hell I was doing and whether or not I was going to permanently fuck myself up for a game I love.

Furthermore, for the 100th time, I do not consider it wise for me to invest in four new foosball tables when I am having surgeries and will be next to useless for some time until I recover. In other words, that is a financial risk that I have no way of ensuring works out while I have zero outside income coming in. Foosball profits alone will not cover the payments for the tables.

My surgeries are on December 18th and the 20th. If all goes well, I will be home on Christmas day to begin my recovery process. Once I get back on my feet, I can then assess my situation and determine how I want to go about obtaining more tables. Personally, I am not in and hurry as I do not agree with your obvious assessment that the tables at Duke's are shit.

Most of your post just seems like a bunch of whining about how WeFoos is not involved enough due to the evil fuckers named Bill and Jesse. And, of course, WeFoos could do all this stuff much better. Yet, your post omits a great deal about your personal actions, attitude, and behaviors that always seem to be right in the middle of any drama situation. I especially like how it devolves into an outright attack upon Billy as a person and as a contributor to our scene. All of it appears designed to do nothing but cause friction between Arizona Foosball and the players. Why would that be I wonder?
So what will stinger look like after remodel?

Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode
graykat777 wrote:
Jessie told us last week that Stingers is remodeling. Anybody have some insights?

Gonna be blunt...I stopped in there last Saturday since I failed to remember to cancel the event. Figured I would practice on my own at any rate (Mike C. showed up though -pretty sure this is why he is now a proud owner of a Foosball table!) Anyways, It was my fault so I had to make sure that anyone that showed up knew what was up. Long story short, everything that was under renovation was still under renovation. I am not sure what is going on at that place. I do know there was some problems with a couple close sales, so that is PROBABLY why the renovations are happening.

In other words, I saw NO remodeling. I only saw the front bar still behind a wall of black plastic. The owner told me they are doing a bunch of work, but it is in areas that are not going to be visible to us at any rate. I suspect everything that is happening is to fix some things that prevented the place from selling. Though, I do not know for sure since the owner was talking about making some additional changes that would definitely be noticed by everyone and anyone (and most definitely included him as the owner).

Truth be told, I am not sure if Dale (the owner) even knows himself. Bill and I have discussed the matter with him extensively and repeatedly. We even went so far as to say we wish to move the tables to a different location to preserve Saturday foosball while promising we would bring them back if he decides to stick with it. Another long story short, its a friendship thing. Dale has been with Arizona Foosball longer than any other establishment. He worries that if we leave, we will not come back. Thus, even though he is not sure how he is going to move forward, we feel a heavy debt to him due to his years of continuous support.

I truly hope this open acknowledgment of fault can clear up some of the recent obscurity. Specifically, I am completely aware that this is a failure on the part of Arizona Foosball. Saturday nights should be a thing, and they were for a very long time. To be more precise, it is largely my fault that procrastination has been the answer towards Stinger's. Why? Because it was my favorite place to be. I don't want to give it up if there is a chance it can recover.


Selfish Bastard
We need to talk...

Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode
I am sickened by this entire post. Not gonna lie.
12-01-2017 Duke's DYP

Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode
We need to talk...

Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode
Brad : I busted my ass for El Jimador. That event was not status quo, nor could it have happened without my efforts. Then I threw the $500.00 tourney right after it which was pretty much my pay forwarded as prize money which you paid nearly half of yourself. That is anything but the status quo. I also gave Bryan the reins to Duke's to let him go with his ideas. That is not the status quo, and certainly didn't end well for me while relying on the status quo. Seriously those were "special events" and I went above and beyond to meet the demands for it. So, no, I do not agree with that particular assessment. Frankly, the only manner this can be directed towards me is due to the fact that I do not point these things out habitually for everyone. I don't need "look at me" moments, I just need to do my job.

Yet, I completely agree that I must work harder at promoting fun at our events. Since, often, I do look at it as simply a job. I forget that it is that night of fun for most (not often, but I do). I try, at times, and then meet the fist punch of pain and distraction. This is not an excuse, at all. It is only an explanation. And not one worth repeating really, since I do sincerely wish to grow my vending business. It is an odd business, but also a bit addictive. I am just about the worst person imaginable for it at the moment, but I hope for that to change soon.

Bryan: You are a petulant child that fucked me over with your paranoia. Funny thing is, you accuse Billy of being paranoid as the cornerstone of your attack. Truth be told, I agree that it is a flaw of his that I have literally screamed at him about. Yet, you completely own that fault yourself. You left me high and dry due to your paranoia concerning Billy. You even took out the token mechanisms that you talked me into putting in due to a sudden fear that Billy could somehow fuck you over. Furthermore, you decided to say fuck you Jesse about the table fee's for 3 weeks (which is basically theft), and only paid them back after you simply came to your senses…I left you be if you recall. Plus, you left EVERYONE in the dark about the tokens themselves. And, now, you are attempting to pass it all of as my fault. Which, technically, I guess, it is since I agreed to allow you in. For that, I truly do apologize to everyone affected.

Yet, that is only the beginning. You constantly talk shit about Arizona Foosball and Duke's/Stinger's. You constantly attack me verbally about Billy. The last time over Billy being "your boy" when you have an altercation at Duke's because your team wouldn't "fist-bump" Billy at the beginning of the match. This during a fucking tournament I was forced to withdraw from in which I was supposed to play with Bill, all because a certain parties didn’t want a double draw or x-man. In addition, you were fucking wrong that I didn't compensate the only person that mattered (I gave Travis half his entry fee back), because none of the rest of you deserved any sort of money back since you won the game shithead, and Billy behaved like a shithead.

In addition, I didn't just suspend Billy from Duke's (the only place he doesn't go, according to you), I suspended him from Stinger's as well (the only place that is supposed to have tournaments but doesn't of late). Guess that was a conspiracy though…probably canceled them just because Billy couldn't go. I CAN'T suspend him from other events because I have NO authority to do so! Can Kenny suspend someone from Duke's?! Well, probably…if he asked, but not just because he wants to.

It works like this…Bill works with others to put on a League events. I am one he works with. Kenny is another. Conceivably, if you were not such a dick, you could be another. This does not make us part of Arizona Foosball. Though, I would happily be part of it if I could. You, on the other hand, have blown all your opportunities with Arizona Foosball, The Loft, and my events at Duke's/Stinger's. Thus, your only path to your personal glory is via the destruction of others.

Well, go fuck yourself. Buy your brand new tables. Start a tournament. Take the city over with your badass self. According to you and this forum post, you should have a hella easy time taking over the city with your brand of foosball. I REALLY don’t care. All I care about is that there IS foosball. I provide a service for only one reason, I love Foosball.

Pinalyzer- Not sure what you mean, really. The payment is pretty much figured out as soon as you know how many players are in the tournament at Duke's/Stinger's. I had a set system in the past, but found Brad's to be superior so adapted to it.

*6 Teams or less = 70% / 30%

*7 to 11 Teams = 55% / 30% / 15%

*12 or more Teams = 50% / 25% / 15% / 10%

As far as how much you get for third place, you got $15 you said? Meaning your partner got $15 as well. And that was beyond your entry fee? How is that not okay? I would even say that is high…3rd place is typically where I am happy just to get my entry fee back. If this is directed at other events other than my own, well, I have nothing to say then as they have nothing to do with me.

If, however, you are saying that the money earned should be higher as the rest of your post suggests…I can only kind of agree. I happen to be one of them people holding back time. Hell, I tried to keep a form of free play going due to my cheap nature! I don't want to increase the expense of the game (which seems to be the norm now, usually 1.50 in many places in the Midwest), but I knew that I couldn't keep throwing money into the pot if I wanted to keep the tables up. I doubt highly that increasing the table fee or entry fee would work for our local scene, so I had to do the only thing left to me…stop throwing my own money into the pot. It is still 100% payback of entry fee's, and from what I see, that is fair.

Ricky C- How can something provided to us be broken in the first place?! It can only be broken by people that choose to see it that way. You sound like a WeFoos commercial. Why would any of us really give a shit?! I guess once Bryan rolls out his tables and what not, it will matter, just really sucks that you are selling it already. And, no, I do not think I have the answers. Seems to me that only children believe they have all the answers. And, PLEASE TELL ME, how you are not able to talk to me about any god damn thing you want?! You are just listening to the non-stop nonsense! You could tell me anything, just like everyone else…and I will say, If you believe in it…do it! Ill give you the platform! I have even asked you to do this….so, guess I am a bit confused about your entire statement.

Slamin' Bamin' Duncan- Sorry, but I replaced the light the same day you posted. Lol. Yet, you are right. I am slow on these things because I am spending most of my funds elsewhere. I wish to keep foosball expenses limited to foosball profits, but that never seems to work out. A bar here, many a guy there, a light today, and many balls in the future. I have not had vendor luck of late and I am cheap as shit since I am broke as shit. I apologize and will try to do better in the future.
Concerning Stinger's tournament on December 9th

Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode
Gonna go ahead and start trying to get tourneys going again at Stinger's Saturday. Due to the problems they have during whatever the heck is going on there, I have decided to put the tables on free play mode with no table fee's.

I wish to at least attempt to get people back in the door for foosball even if the bar is not ready. In addition, I have made it clear to Dale that I may move the tourney soon in order to ensure foosers have access to our crazy need to play.

Not sure it will bring any of you out, but I will be there if you decide to. At the very least we can play free pick-up games and have a good time. Hope to see you there!
edited by JRhode on 12/8/2017
edited by JRhode on 12/8/2017
Concerning Stinger's tournament on December 9th

Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode
We were informed late Friday night that some rather large changes are happening very soon at Stinger's. The owner was very pleased about his idea, but requested that I cancel it as they have decided to do some rather serious changes that makes it impossible for us to play. I apologize for this, but it is out of my hands. On the other hand, this means real things are actually happening and that the venue may become sustainable for us all again! Just kinda wish they would of decided to do this after Saturday!
Arizona Foosball Acknowledgments

Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode
Thank you for reminding everyone that it takes a village to make this shit work. I love this damn game. I will not lie and say it has been a boon in my life...it is an obsession. There is no such thing as healthy when it comes to an obsession. However, I will say that without Bill Nolan has been THE most important aspect of the sustainability of foos in Phoenix.
edited by JRhode on 1/16/2018
12-08-2017 Duke's Open Doubles

Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode
12-15-2017 Duke's DYP

Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode
12-22-2017 Duke's Open Doubles

Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode

Duke's Open Doubles
1. J.B. / Michael Lawrence
2. Don S / Nick B
3. Jesse R / Ricky C
4. Bryan H / Rissa V
5. Brad C / Mark D
5. Del C / Ronnie G
6. Doug S / Steve T
6. Doug S / Michael C
edited by JRhode on 12/24/2017
Saturday Special Event at the Loft 12/23/2017

Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode
My thanks to The Loft, as well as Ken and Age, for holding the event. Huge thanks to Rick for actually TD'ing the event and getting it rolling at a very good clip. 22 players on only 2 tables = a possible nightmare, yet Rick had everything running in an organized manner with next to zero downtime between games. Hat off to you, sir!
12-29-2017 Duke's DYP Goalie's Delight

Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode

1. Jesse R / J.B.
2. Doug S / Nick B
3. Mike L / Cowboy
4. Eric B / Townsend S
5. Derek M / Stephan
5. Mighty Mo / Ronnie G
7. Brad C / Del C
7. Mike C / Travis H
9. Camel N / Nolan G
edited by BillyBoy on 12/30/2017
12-30-2017 Saturday Night Foos (The Loft)

Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode

1. Jesse R / Mark D

2. Jim D / Jim K

3. Scott T / Steve Taylor

4. Lee G / Rick W

5. Pat H / Scott Y

5. Ash M / Holly M
7. Ken O / Travis H
7. Paul F / Steve M
9. Age / Bridgete P
9. Ronnie G / Tom H
edited by JRhode on 12/31/2017
01-12-2018 Duke's BYP

Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode
1. Don / Nick $88.00
2. Brad C / Mighty Mo $48.00
3. Derek / Mike S $24.00
4. Erik B / J.B.
5. Chris S / Jesse R
5. Bryan H / Ricky C
7. John C / Michael L
7. Ash / Chris P
edited by JRhode on 1/16/2018
01-13-2018 Saturday Night Foos @ Duke's (DYP)

Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode
1. Derek M / Jesse R $70.00
2. Mike E / Rick W $30.00
3. Steve T / Travis H
4.Scott Y / Scott T
5.Paul F / Greg
edited by JRhode on 1/16/2018
edited by JRhode on 1/16/2018
01/05/2018 Duke's Singles and DYP tourney's

Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode

1. Don S $80.00
2. Bryan H
3. Michael L
4. Jesse R
5. Ash
5. J.B.
7. Mike M
7. Chris P

1. Don S / Chris S $88.00
2. John C / Ash $48.00
3. Steve L / Travis H $24.00
4. Derek M / Townsend
5. Bryan H / Ron G
5. Chris P / Scott Y
7. Del C / J.B.
7. Mike C / Mike L
edited by BillyBoy on 1/16/2018
01-19-2018 Duke's Singles and BYP

Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode

1-20-2018 Saturday Night Foos @ Duke's BYP

Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode
01-26-2018 Duke's BYP

Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode

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