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Ronnie Garrett
Ronnie Garrett
Hello everyone. I think this may well be my first post ever on arizonafoosball.com. I don't really like posting in forums, but I want to bring this up. So here I go...

First: Just a reminder that tomorrow night there will be $50 added to the Stinger's Open BYP event.

Second: Jesse and I have been working really hard to get Stinger's back into the fooslight and I am kind of saddened by the amount of players that are not showing up in support of Stinger's because of past issues with the old ownership, the former ghetto bar that it was or what-not. The Stinger's renovation is nearly complete and the place is looking really good. The tables now have a permanent home along the back wall and gone are the days of not knowing where the tables would be the next weekend and no more bumping around with other bar clientele that weren't there to play foosball. The bar in our area has been completely rebuilt adding much more room to walk around and it is now significantly easier to order your drinks/food and sit at the bar. We are now on the edge of getting the new owner to throw in money for events. But we need to show him a steady turnout to get this done. I have done what I can to support other foosball venues in Phoenix and I would like to see more players showing up in support of what Jesse and I are trying to accomplish with Stinger's. I don't think it is much to ask. It strengthens our foosball community to have Stinger's succeed. We have a few new players that have moved to Phoenix recently and it's downright embarrassing when they are showing up and the longtime locals are not. The Phoenix foosball scene is bigger than this.

Please show your support and help us to keep a spot to play on Saturday nights! Feel free to reply to this thread by putting your thoughts below on what you feel can be done to help improve the scene at Stinger's.

edited by LetsFoos on 1/4/2019
Found two tornado tables in Laughlin NV

Ronnie Garrett
Ronnie Garrett
Well those look a little different. What are the wood panels on the cabinets?
edited by LetsFoos on 1/4/2019
NEW PHOENIX TOUR Begins January 25!

Ronnie Garrett
Ronnie Garrett
No Rick W. to stop me this time! MUHAHAHAHA!!!!
Duke's 1/25/2018

Ronnie Garrett
Ronnie Garrett
No tellin' where that finger's been!
Friday Nights at Stinger's

Ronnie Garrett
Ronnie Garrett
Due to the short notice of Dukes no longer having Friday night foos, we have not been able to locate another venue yet. So, after receiving feedback from multiple players, Jesse, Billy and I decided the best solution is to temporarily move Friday night events to Stinger's until we find a replacement venue for Dukes. Yes, we know it's further out for some players, but it's that or nothing for the time being. This will also place a hold on Saturday night events at Stinger's for now.

Stinger's first Friday night event will be a BYP. Start times will be the same as Dukes and event will start by 8:30. We are attempting to get the T3000's moved to Stinger's, but that is dependent on time and manpower (lots of tables to move!).

Also, the owner of Stinger's has committed to adding money if we can show a consistent 15+ players each Friday. So let's show some commitment and get the money added! This is something that we never had at Dukes.
edited by LetsFoos on 4/25/2019
edited by LetsFoos on 4/25/2019
Rissa at Worlds

Ronnie Garrett
Ronnie Garrett
Awesome job Rissa!!!
Loft Special Event: No Roto Hi-Low Handicap BYP

Ronnie Garrett
Ronnie Garrett
We will be hosting a No Roto Hi-Low Handicap BYP format at the Loft Again on Sunday, Feb, 20th to give players some more competitive competition to prepare for Vegas this year.

Tournament format:

• Hi players must play with a low player. The points cutoff is 4.5. So any player ranked over 4.51 can play with a player ranked 4.5 or lower. *Any player that is ranked between 3.5 and 4.5 may team up with any player whether hi or low.*
• Matches are 2 out of 3 and games are played to 7 points. Games without a point spot between teams are played to 5.
• If there is a point spot in the match, the team without a point spot will get first possession of the ball, and a coin is tossed for choice of table sides.
• If there is no point spot in the match, a coin is tossed per standard ITSF rules: the winner may choose to take either first possession of the ball, or first choice of table sides.
• Entry is $5 and Loft kicks in $5 per player.
• Start time will be 3:00 SHARP. Please be on time as we anticipate extra teams and we need to have time for everyone to be able to leave at a decent hour. If you are going to be late, please let me know.

Please try and register early, so we have an idea of the amount of teams we will have. If this is a successful tournament, we will have one more the last Sunday of March before Vegas.

Contact, Ronnie Garrett, for details or any questions. 480-203-6730
edited by LetsFoos on 2/10/2022
edited by LetsFoos on 2/10/2022
Loft Special Event: No Roto Hi-Low Handicap BYP

Ronnie Garrett
Ronnie Garrett
There has been an adjustment in the event. Players ranked between 4.5 and above 3.5 may team up together. Players ranked 4.51 and up may still team up with any player ranked lower than 4.5 or lower.
Loft Special Event: No Roto Hi-Low Handicap BYP

Ronnie Garrett
Ronnie Garrett
Sorry folks. The above update was posted wrong. Any player that is ranked between 3.5 and 4.5 may team up with any player whether hi or low. Sorry for the confusion.
Loft 12/24/2023 - Tournament and Gift Exchange!!

Ronnie Garrett
Ronnie Garrett
This Sunday will be a special event! We will be hosting a white elephant gift exchange during the tournament! The tournament will start at noon sharp! So, please register earlier and try to be there no later than 11:30.

Rules for the tournament and white-elephant participation are simple:

1. The foosball format will be the normal Hi-Low Handicapped DYP and is $5 per player. Loft matches the pot!
2. Participation in the foosball tournament DOES NOT require participation in the gift-exchange and vice-versa.
3. You must bring an anonymous gift to be able to participate in the gift exchange. Gift value should not exceed $20 in value.
4. No alcoholic gifts may be brought into the bar, but you may create your own "Drink on me" gift-card that can be pre-purchased at the Loft Again bar prior to the start of the game (to keep it anonymous).

How to play the white elephant gift exchange:

1. Each player brings one wrapped gift to contribute to a gift pool.

2. Players draw numbers to determine what order they will go in.

3. The first player selects a gift from the pool and opens it.

4. The following player then takes their turn and can choose to either pick an unwrapped gift from the pool, or they can steal a previous players' gift. If a player gets their gift stolen, they can choose a gift from the pool or steal one from someone else. A gift may only be stolen 1 time per turn. In other words, you can't steal it right back after having it stolen, but you can steal it back on the next players turn if your gift gets stolen again.

5. A player may only pick a gift from the pool or steal a gift a total of 3 times during their turn. Once your 3rd time is reached, it is the next players' turn. Also, a gift may only be stolen a total of 3 times during the entire game. Once it has been stolen a 3rd time, the final player in possession gets to keep the gift and they are out of the game.

6. After all players have had their turns, the first person that started the gift exchange is the last to finish. They have the option to keep their gift or steal from anyone else that is still left in the game. If they steal a gift from anyone, that person has to steal another gift. Remember a gift can only be stolen a total of 3 times. If there are no gifts are left to steal, the game is over.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please post them here. The rules above MAY be subject to changes or suggestions.

-Ronnie G.
edited by LetsFoos on 12/19/2023
Loft 12/24/2023 - Tournament and Gift Exchange!!

Ronnie Garrett
Ronnie Garrett
Just to clarify, the gift exchange will start at 11:00 and the tournament will start at 12:00.
Loft 12/31/2023

Ronnie Garrett
Ronnie Garrett
Just a quick note, that the Loft tournament will start a little early this Sunday at 1:00 so that we can get everyone out a little early to go enjoy their New Year's Eve celebrations.

Hope to see everyone there and if not, have a great New Year's Eve and be safe everyone!
edited by LetsFoos on 12/26/2023

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