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Boulders Triple Monsoon Madness Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 754
Posts: 754
The event lived up to its name....Close to 40 players and 115 degrees outside, and even hotter on the tables...

Singles - 16 Players....

1st - Matt Weber - $75
2nd - TJ Telles - $37.50
3rd - Nick Bourdous - $22.50
4th - Brad Chamberlain - $15
5th - Ash Mriz
6th - Jim Sherman
7th - Dan Fiederlien
8th - Ben Crawford
9th- Townsend Saunders
10th - Zach Fross
11th - Scott Tays
12th - Jesse Rhode
13th - Eric Bork
14th - Vincent Fiederlein
15th - Bob Duncan
16th - James S

Handicapped BYP - 16 teams

1st - Dan and Vincent Fiederlein - $150
2nd - JB Scully/Bob Duncan - $75
3rd - Espe Medina/Jim Sherman - $45
4th - Miles Johnson/Bill Mitts - $30
5th - Travis Hubred/Townsend Saunders
5th- Mike Carey/Doug Steele
7th - Ronnie Garrett/Gary H
7th - Holly Mining/Ben Crawford
9th- Brad Chamberlain/Janet Blanco
9th - James S/Jim Dickson
9th- TJ Telles/Nick Bourdous
9th- Xaiver Gorney/Eric Bork
13th- Jesse Rhode/Lou York
13th - Matt Weber/Jim King
13th- Jason Collicott/Nolan Gorney
13th- Ash Mirz/Steve W

Open Doubles - 13 Teams

1st - Jim Sherman/Matt Weber - $105
2nd - Ben Crawford/Nick Bourdous - $53
3rd -Dan Fiederlein/James S - $31
4th- Eric Bork/JB Scully - $21
5th- Brad Chamberlain/Ash Mirz
5th- Bob Duncan/Johnny Valles
7th- Jesse Rhode/Doug Steele
7th- TJ Telles/Townsend Saunders
9th- Vincent F/Bill Mitts
9th- Holly Minning/Ronnie Garrett
9th- Janet Blanco/Lou York
9th - Mike Carey/Chris Pettit
13th- Miles Johnson/Jim King
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