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League 5 Bar Rule

Our last game of the season also had a 5-bar game that lasted > an hour. In fact, the funny thing was I thought this post was originally ABOUT our game... that's how similar the situation sounded.

In our case, the "take away rule" definitely factored into it. It was simply a matter of tit for tat... one player would get a point, the other would take it away. Literally for a whole hour. Neither team was doing it to get points (or at least our team wasn't, cuz I was the one playing). In fact, that aspect to the strategy hadn't even occurred to me until I saw this thread.

The problem with the game is the issue of sente (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_terms#Gote_and_Sente). The player who serves always has sente, and, if the players are evenly matched, should almost always score a point when he does.

Therefore, given players Alice and Bob, if Alice is the one with the lesser score, the only reasonable strategy is to reduce Bob's score below her own so that when she gets sente again, she can rack the points up to the win.

In other words, for an evenly matched pair of players, you absolutely HAVE to take the lead and keep it. If your opponent should score a point on you that is not answered, then you have to take that point away. "Stealing sente" by stealing the ball after it's been served is much harder than other games IMO since there is less of the field involved in the game.

Of the proposed solutions, IMO, *only* disallowing point deductions altogether is a viable solution.

Time limit = then the strategy will be to ALWAYS keep your opponent at 0 points until the time limit is up, then it becomes as if point deductions are disallowed.
Can't deduct until 6 = always keep your opponent under 6. Not a solution. We didn't even reach 6 until it was almost all over.
Can't deduct if losing = Then whoever gets the first point will win.
Can't deduct if winning = Will make the problem worse.
Deduct only X times = same problem as a time limit
Can't deduct to less than 4 (or once he has reached 4) = Would not have prevented our game from going for an hour. We would have sat at 4 for the hour instead of the 2 or 3 we sat at instead.

I also don't think disallowing point deductions would result in very short games. The simplest defensive strategy in this game is simply wiggling your men back and forth enough to catch the ball as it passes and knock it off the trajectory enough so your opponent can't catch it (obviously without jarring). If you do this, then you get sente, since you then receive the ball automatically. Doing this is surprisingly easy and also can result in the game taking a long time as well. These games would be no faster than say, a FSO game.
<em>edited by jivadevoe on 5/9/2012</em>
CM Singles and Handicapped BYP 7/19/13

fooser4fun wrote:
Also, maybe you should have a vote on tourney format. I miss the normal DYPs we used to have. All the silly handicapped roto hi/lo chip race formats are lame. And it hasn't brought in new players, we have fewer beginners showing up now than we did with the old DYPs.

Disagree on this. At the very least, roto is a format that I think is pretty cool and lets other players besides the dominant ones get practice on front and back. I haven't been to many of the tournaments, but I will more in the future, and would like to see more roto and hi/lo events.
CM Singles and Handicapped BYP 7/19/13

fooser4fun wrote:

What's stopping you from playing up front in the dyp/byp tournaments? Just find someone who plays worse than you, then you will be the dominant player on the team.

Well, if it's DYP, then one doesn't get to choose who your partner is...

BYP... yeah, you can bring a partner who is understanding, and who WILL roto, or let you play a position that maybe you need practice at...

Speaking of that... what happens at the BYP events if one doesn't have a partner? Are there others who come without partners hoping to pick someone up at the event?
Alt tournament suggestions

Since you were soliciting votes on a rollerball format last night... just thought I'd toss out these other alternatives:

First idea: "No trash" games. Shots from the goalie or five bar count as half-points for both teams. The team that scores the next "clean" shot from the 3 bar gets 1 point + a point for each half point currently on the board. The other team gets none.

Second idea: when I was in SF, I played in a tournament where the format was:

Best of Three where:

1st game was a normal play to 7 game
2nd game was roto.
3rd game was normal play - BUT you had to win by 2 points.

Anyway, just some ideas.
Alt tournament suggestions

fooser4fun wrote:
I think it'd be awesome to have a high payout event, maybe like a hundred dollar entry dyp or something! It'd have to be at one of the major events though, like Vegas warmup, to draw people. I think it'd get alot of attention and be good publicity our local tournament.
Also like the idea of the extra table for pick up games. It sucks sitting around waiting for your match/event to begin. Keep the slop though, I'll learn to block it eventually!
edited by fooser4fun on 8/28/2013

Just cuz I'm a cheap ass who isn't that good of a player (so I'd likely lose my entry anyway)... I wouldn't go for $100 entry... but I'd totally go up to maybe... $40. Current payouts run $60/$30/$10ish for most tourneys with $4-$10 entry... if we made a special event that was 10x... I'd imagine the payout would be 10x... 600/300/100... I'd risk $40 for $600.

Only every once in a while though. Even $20 for 300/100/50 or something would be worthwhile.

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